Urmila’s last thought while meditating

Is it possible to change one’s mind? Yes, they are at your disposal.

A meditative-reflective thinking such as “I am simply transcending, not dying; I shall continue to live and thrive” helps alleviate the dread of death. As our Higher Consciousness understands, death is only a concept; it is the passage of energy from one form to another. When the human body is removed, the mind stops thinking. Thought continues till the breath runs out. Why should one be worried about the final breath’s last thought?

Why is the last thought important?

Swami Sivananda, a yoga master, once observed, “A man’s final thought dictates his future fate.” “A man’s final thought defines his future birth.” 6 (BG, Chapter 8). Thoughts are aware; we, our mind, body, and consciousness, are impacted by thoughts in the same way that we affect others.

Every concept that has ever existed exists. As Eternal Consciousness, you have access to such ideas. If ideas are cleansed and made free of vices (lower thinking forms), the future will be improved as well. Your ideas may form and re-shape the content of the future version. You are the content of your mind, the condition of ‘being-ingness.’

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What is known to you is your internal content; what is unknown is ready to be known since it is stored in your subconscious. Your current ideas, attitude, and behaviour are stored in the subconscious mind, which is where you behave and act. Your current behavioural patterns, action-habits are the product of previously conceived ideas.

You have the ability to cleanse your ideas. What does the term “purification” mean? It implies liberating ideas from lesser forms that weigh the body down, cause disease, keep the mind absorbed with its weight, and keep the mind in mental bondage. Purified ideas are liberated, light, and peaceful. When you dwell on ideas with pure, virtuous substance, actions flow from that location. Because thought-purification demands constant effort, it is possible to begin today. The final concept is indicative of whatever has been prevalently practised throughout. It will return to you with your Consciousness.

Think noble thoughts.

Is it possible to change one’s mind? They are, indeed, at your disposal. When your Consciousness has a body-mind, you can accomplish this. What happens next? Actions change, and so do behavioural patterns. To what end? Form purified. What happens next? The subconscious path has been altered and reshaped. What happens next? You advance in your soul Consciousness to a higher level, from which you now live a changed life devoid of wrath, resentment, greed, and so on.

All of this labour is possible while the body is present, thus each life, each body-form you assume, should be used with caution. The body contributes to the evolution of your soul consciousness. What distinguishes you from others is the substance of your Consciousness. It serves as the blueprint for the future existence.

When you cleanse your ideas in the present, you are performing future labour. The future will be transformed into the past, from which the present will emerge. You have the option of working in the present to write or re-script the future as you see fit. The cycle of life continues in this manner. Until it doesn’t, at the end of one’s virtuous cycle. Lifetimes are lived till then.

How many lives are there? It is determined by your current (internal) efforts. What exactly is the job? Living by divine principles and divine qualities that are important to you. Living and experiencing Going beyond intellectual comprehension. The key to soul change is to live.

Is it simple? No. That is why it takes a lifetime and is referred to as a trip. Is it conceivable? Yes. How do I begin my work? By examining the most recent noteworthy idea you had while sleeping.

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